Going Green?

Check this out.  http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=CNG.af09375837a21e6bf486e0c8aed43c9a.01&show_article=1

Make no mistake, you Will go green or else.  Not saying there is anything wrong with going green but I believe we will see a Lot more forcing our hands to go green.  That and this is just another example of how we are and will be forced to pay higher and increasing Taxes, Fee’s, Permits, etc. etc. etc.

Cigarette smokers were and are still targeted, having to pay Huge taxes which are supposedly to pay for hospitalization, care etc. related to smoking.  Yet smokers are few among those receiving any treatments for the monies gained through these taxes because as studies prove, they don’t live as long thus not requiring extended care etc.

Alcohol and Soda is being looked at for new forms of tax revenue.  Candies, chips, cakes, won’t be far behind because they can be proven to contribute to obesity, diabetes and other “diseases”.  Fast food… seems to be able to stay under the radar for the time being… imagine that?

Farmers will become the mainstay of our foods, which I agree with but don’t think any of us will get off without a tax on that either… its coming, count on it.

Try out Chicago living. Highest liquor tax in the nation, 10.25 sales tax, 7 dollar cigs, soda tax, candy tax, tanning tax, Germans own the parking meters, it’s wonderful! But I won’t mention Blagojevich or Obama cuz that would be politics.  8)

What’s wrong with a $.05 charge for those pesky plastic bags?  Maybe people would start to (a) reuse their old ones or better yet (b) invest a buck or 2  in a canvas bag that would last years.    I’d much prefer to be charged for a bag vs having the checkout person forget to deduct the “bag refund”.

Other ways to go green when brewing?
I have a dedicated canvas shopping bag that goes to the homebrew store for my purchase.
I capture most if not all of the water from my wort chiller - the hottest goes into a bucket to off-gas the Cl and to be used as brewing liquor for the next batch, warm water goes to clean up the current batch, and the cold stuff goes to water the indoor plants (or trees when it’s dry).
My spent grains go in the compost pile.

Oh, by the way, they’ve been charging for bags in Germany for years (at least the shop in Heidelberg that we’d go to when visiting my wife’s grandmother).

my 5 bag refunds :slight_smile:

Same in Belgium & Netherlands, you bring your own bag to the store.

Sounds like a great idea to me.  A lot of places around here already do it.  It’s really easy to avoid paying that nickel by just bringing your own bag.  No big deal.

I miss paper bags. So much easier to hold grain.  :wink:

Sounds like a great idea to me.  I walk two miles each way back and forth to work every day and those stupid plastic bags are everywhere.  We’re about 40 miles from DC and I wish they’d do it here too.

Trader Joes had a great idea.  They had a raffle you cold get into if you bring bags back.

We try.  We don’t do 100% reuse.  One thing I doo miss from Chicago was just using my big messenger bag for shopping.  The burbs are soooo car centric.  people look at peds like they are insane, out of work, or homeless out here.

I think I am going to implement the hot IC water for clean up program.  I think it’ll save my lawn.

What about the hotels, and their bedding and towel policies? They don’t swap bedding during your stay unless you specifically request it, and towels you should reuse. It saves millions of dollars, causes less pollution, and uses less fossil fuels, etc.

Where did all that saved money go? Hotel rates didn’t drop.  :-[

I’m all for saving the planet; but the people cashing in on us in the name of environmentalism kinda tweaks me.

OTOH, maybe they didn’t go up as much as they would have otherwise.

Plus, regardless of whether they go up or down or not, you’re still doing better for the environment.  Everything doesn’t have to be about “what’s in it for me”.

But this is america and if I want to drive a 1971 Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado  with a beer in one hand while texting on my cell thats my right as an american .  ::slight_smile: ::slight_smile: ;D  damn pinko commies

Sarcasm people, but I have heard pretty much those same words.

Did he say rusty trombone?

No, had the day off with my 18 month. Nothing stops fussyness like Sesame street.

No worries about Kermit. He is olive tone but I think he is Jewish. He is from NYC after all. :slight_smile:


Gonzo would never text :wink:

“Going Green”…definitely a trendy marketing tool of late.
Hopefully the idea
will survive the exploitation.

Feel free to head to the developing world
and check the flutter of said plastic bags

I am heading for the Peoples Forest
devoid of human dregs
thanks to your tax dollars.

My original complaint wasn’t so much that there wasn’t anything in it for me, there’s too much in it for the profiteers. Organic, conservation, reducing pollution, recycling etc are all great ideas that big companies distort and diminish in the name of $$$.

For what it’s worth I agree with that statement 100%. I also agree that the converse is true - it’s defensible and, dare I say, logical for governments to maintain roads with gasoline taxes. The fact that we fund damn near everything with income taxes instead of usage taxes makes no sense to me.

Now I’ve blatantly crossed the line into politics and I’m sorry if I’m the one who gets y’alls thread locked.

In my experience, with the exception of bedding at some extended stay hotels I use when work sends me places, every hotel I’ve stayed at has swapped towels (and often bedding) even if they tout the reuse towels/bedding policy.

I see you’re from Texas, so you have income and sales taxes and pay for just about everything twice anyway. ::slight_smile: