Has anybody ever brew something using the golden ratio?
No, but the ratio of the circumference to diameter of my kettle is and always has been 3.14.
No but my girlfriend uses it all the time in her art work. tabula mundi - Google Search
What would you use it for in brewing? Malt to malt. Malt to water?
On my kettle it a bit closer to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128 but then I got tired and figured it was close enough. ;D
I would be interested to know what ingredients you would relate to each other for this type of recipe. It might be fun, I’m just not seeing an easy correlation this early.
** Edited to id what kettle I was making the joke about because it is also too early for me to type well.
Double hop fibonacci series: https://www.homebrewersassociation.org/forum/index.php?topic=23544.msg302268#msg302268
Still have to brew this…
For a golden ratio beer use:
61.8% grain 1
38.2% grain 2
Same for hops.
6.18# Pils (A)
3.82# Munich (B)
6.18/3.82= 1.618 = A/B
10/6.18=1.618 = A+B/A
Slowbrew: tommymorris:No, but the ratio of the circumference to diameter of my kettle is and always has been 3.14.
On my kettle it a bit closer to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128 but then I got tired and figured it was close enough. ;D
I would be interested to know what ingredients you would relate to each other for this type of recipe. It might be fun, I’m just not seeing an easy correlation this early.
** Edited to id what kettle I was making the joke about because it is also too early for me to type well.
For a golden ratio beer use:
61.8% grain 1
38.2% grain 2Same for hops.
6.18# Pils (A)
3.82# Munich (B)6.18/3.82= 1.618 = A/B
10/6.18=1.618 = A+B/A
Mash with 1.618 qt/lb.
tommymorris: Slowbrew: tommymorris:No, but the ratio of the circumference to diameter of my kettle is and always has been 3.14.
On my kettle it a bit closer to 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406286208998628034825342117067982148086513282306647093844609550582231725359408128 but then I got tired and figured it was close enough. ;D
I would be interested to know what ingredients you would relate to each other for this type of recipe. It might be fun, I’m just not seeing an easy correlation this early.
** Edited to id what kettle I was making the joke about because it is also too early for me to type well.
For a golden ratio beer use:
61.8% grain 1
38.2% grain 2Same for hops.
6.18# Pils (A)
3.82# Munich (B)6.18/3.82= 1.618 = A/B
10/6.18=1.618 = A+B/AMash with 1.618 qt/lb.
for hops - same ratio of Hallertauer to Tettnanger?
for hops - same ratio of Hallertauer to Tettnanger?
Yep. I think beers based on math should be German
for hops - same ratio of Hallertauer to Tettnanger?
Yep. I think beers based on math should be German
Agreed. Sort of reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqAdxN1IWQQ
Here we go:
Stackenblochen Golden Verhältnis Bier
For 3G:
3.71# Pilsner
2.29# Munich 10
0.618oz Mittlefrueh at 37.1min
0.382oz Mittlefrueh at 22.9min
OG: 1055
SRM: 7.3
IBU: 20