Good resources for labels?

I am going to be brewing a extra stout in a couple weeks.  Plan on conditioning for the year and giving as a christmas gift to folks next year.  Thought maybe it would be cool to work on a label for it.  Anybody have good websites or computer programs for beer bottle labels.  Want something decent that won’t run when wet.

Check out this thread:

I use 4th and Vine lables. You can download MS Word templates to use with them. I originally got them from my local brew supply store but now I get them direct. Contact them at or go to thier web page at

As far as protecting them after printing what I do is get a can of spary lacquer and give them two or three light coats. The process is this:
Create the lable in MS Word
Print out the required number on my Ink Jet printer
Spray 3 light coast of lacquer spacing each coat about 30 minutes to an hour apart.
Peal and stick the lables.

One thing I really like about these lables is to remove them all you have to do is warm the bottle up with hot water and gently peel it off. No mess!

Awesome.  I’ve been looking for the correct MS word Template to download but I can’t seem to find it  ???  Any advice?  I downloaded an avery program that might work.