Goodbye R.E.M.

After 31 years, R.E.M. is calling it quits.  One of my all time favorite bands.  They changed the shape of the music biz, too.  A lot of what’s going on today in the biz wouldn’t be happening without their groundbreaking ideas.  Thanks, guys…it’s the end of the world as we know it and I feel fine…

That’s too bad, but all good things must come to an end as they say. I jammed to REM for many many hours back in the 80’s and 90’s. There’s only a couple of current bands that I can say the same for.

Ah, bummer.  I like that band.

So, you were like about 3 when they started?  :wink:

I was 4 but I absolutly think of them as part of the sound track of my generation. It’s a loss but at least we still have all that music. aint recording wonderful.

They started in the 80’s!

And anyway, I was born in the 60’s.  The very, very, tail end of the 60’s, but still the 60’s. ;D

I remember the first gig of my first teenage band, we played that tune…I’d never even heard it before, they taught me the chord changes, simple as they are, before we went on.

31 years is a good run for a band!  At least they didn’t fizzle out playing USAF base dance gigs like another famous band from the 80s!  :D

Yes…gone but not forgotten. They left behind a very fine catalog of selections for us to remember them by.

They will have to have a reunion tour sometime, just as many of the other bands from years past.

Hooked by “Shiny Happy Monsters” on Sesame Street?  ;)

I keep my car iPod on random song and I always smile when R.E.M. pops up.   They will be missed but they will never be forgotten.  Blah, that sounds far to cliche.    I won’t really miss them because I have a ton of their music in my library but it still sucks.

… thats you in the corner… crying like a little baby…

Whipper-snapper!  :smiley:

Wow, you’re old!  :smiley:

I feel the same way. I was born in 77. There one of those bands, kind of like Led Zepplin that spans so many generations. No matter what your age, they rock, and you just love them. They helped to make us all the “Shiny Happy People” we are today.  :smiley:

A great band with integrity.  I saw them in '89 and they were even cool enough to have the Minutemen open up for them in the mid 80’s.

I’m sorry, but Shiny Happy People makes me want to gouge my ears with an ice pick >:(

OTOH, Automatic for the People is one of my all time favorite albums. Murmur and Lifes Rich Pageant are way up there as well.

The year my first daughter was born :o :o :o

Great band…what Denny said. They left their mark on the World.

Rock on.

Only compared to some :wink:

Said the 14th century pot to the modern kettle . . . ;D

I was about to comment on how old I felt seeing people on here talk about how they were in high school during Sept 11th.  I was in college…I suppose I’m still youngish by the books, but I feel old, very old.  I like to think you’re as old as you feel, and I’ve happily entered my crotchety old man phase.  You!  You kids!  Get off my lawn!

Bah, age is a mental  state, ask Denny, he’ll tell you.  I was born in the 60s as well, butt up against the start of them,  but I still feel young!
