Gordon Strong, Ninkasi award winner, Brew Strong show host, homebrew writer, and author of Brewing Better Beer will be on hand at Northern Brewer’s Milwaukee store on July 29th for a book signing and Q and A session.
Ah, my friends at Northern… Thanks so much. You’re getting coal in your stocking.
Jamil and John might be surprised to hear I’m now hosting their show.
Anyhow, yes, I’ll be in Milwaukee at Northern Brewer on Friday, judging at the GermanFest competition on Saturday, and I’ll be at the AHA Rally/GermanFest on Sunday. Selling and signing books or whatever else you want me to sign. Come on out and say hi and have a beer with me.
In all seriousness, I think it would be great for you and the community, to broadcast via the BN, some “special shows”, like a show on competitive brewing or beer judging, etc… Have you thought about that?
I’ve done shows with them before on those topics, also with BeerSmith. It’s an honor to be asked to speak, so I generally am willing to support different shows, events, venues, etc. when asked.