Got a mention in Draft Magazine

My brewery got a mention in “Draft” magazine recently. Its nothing huge, but its nice to be getting any kind of attention - especially when I only sold my first pint a little over 6 weeks ago.  ;D

You’ll need to scroll all the way to the bottom - we aren’t important enough to be mentioned in the “12 breweries to watch for in 2011” section yet. Maybe 2012 if we are lucky.  :wink:

Congrats, man!

Very nice!

You go Keith!

Congrats!  8)

Saw that, congrats!


That’s great!  The first of many good reviews, no doubt. :slight_smile:

Very cool, Keith.  Good Luck!

Yep, That’ll work!! Cheers!!!

Congrats, and I wish you luck for 2012.


Nice work, Keith.  Just want to wish you good luck, we’re all counting on you.

You da man, Keith.  Keep it up.

Finally got a chance to go to the link & read the review - you’re off to a good start. Congrats & good luck.

Nothing huge!!!  Dude, that’s awesome!!! My brewery hasn’t been mentioned in Draft Magazine, yet. Oh wait…I don’t have a brewery!!

Hey Keith…can I get your autograph now so when you hit the big time well…

All kidding aside I hope you can break on through to the other side with this deal.  8)

Congrats, man.  Also, in reading that, reminded me that I’ve got a brother-in-law who lives not far from number two on that list.  He’s been several times and I (shame on me) haven’t been once.  Might be time to drop by for a quick visit.


So when are we yankees gonna see this beer available up here in PA?



I highly doubt we will ever be big enough to supply more than a small region. I can barely supply my pubs and restaurants in Huntsville right now. In fact, a couple weeks ago we ran out of kegs and had to stop brewing for about a week so there is a lull in IPA availability right now.

Uh-oh…time to increase capacity.  :-\