Gotta brag just a leeetle

I just won BOS in the National Organic Brewing Challenge for my Sour beer with Cherries! Only my second win.

Congrats and that sounds like a tasty beer!


Nice! Congrats!

That’s awesome!

Awesome !  Well done.

Very nice!

Congratulations! That’s awesome!!


Way to go! Congrats!

Hey, Excellent!  Organic cherries are hard to come by here.  Sour (pie) cherries?

My first beer ever was a 7 Bridges kit.  Hooray for them.

Enjoy your WIN!  What do you get?

Cool organic beans 8)

Thanks everyone!
Pie cherries are hard to come by here. These were just assorted table cherries. Black, bing, who knows what else.

I get to brew up 15 bbls of the stuff at thirsty bear in SF to be their pro-am entry next year at GABF

How cool for you! Good job

FANTASTIC!  Congrats, man!

Rock on! I cannot wait to enter into a competition.  Congrats on your second win.  ;D

Way cool man!  When do we get a sample? :wink:

I’ve got one in my refrigerator. Wife and I are going to share it after dinner tonight. :slight_smile:

Congrats man! Now I am especially looking forward to it! :slight_smile:

Congrats man. I entered the same competition and took a first and a third in the Pilsner category and a first in Light Hybrid.

Is Thirsty Bear in San Fran going to brew your beer and if so are you going there when they make it? My wife and I went to Thirsty Bear 5 years ago when we were on our honeymoon, nice place. If you go check out The Monks Kettle while you are there.

Congrats again. Nice to see other organic brewers out there.
