Grainfather G30

Well, I did it. I pulled the trigger on a Grainfather G30. Many thanks to the person who sold it to me for a screaming deal on it. Now, the learning curve starts, LOL. If anybody has any wisdom to share or any tips on how to use this please feel free to post here. My old rig, which I may still use from time to time, was a propane burner and a 10 gallon kettle BIAB setup with a igloo cooler that I used to sparge with. It served me well and like I said, I don’t think I am ready to completely give it up yet, but might offer it up to my brother if he wants to start brewing. Anyway, I digress. Anybody with any info, tips, suggestions or input is welcome to post here. I am looking forward to using this and becoming one of the electric brewers. Thanks in advance to all who read this and post anything. Dino

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Congrats. No matter the electric all in one system I’ve greatly appreciated a hop spider that allows me to add hops in a metal basket that get full exposure to mash/boil water and contain the vegetable matter so when transfering from kettle to fermentation vessel the wort is much less muddy and gunked up.


Thank you for the info Julia. I happen to have a gift card to Austin Home Brew Supplies and they just emailed me a 20% off code. Might be a good time to buy one.

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I picked up a G30 a few months back. Definitely agree you should look into getting something to help restrain the hops during the boil. The filter system for the pump isn’t the best and it clogs pretty easily if you don’t. That is doubly true if you use pellet hops. I’ve seen people recommend stuffing the filter tube with SS scrubbers but I haven’t tried it yet.

Also, practice with the connections on the pipe out of the pump. If you don’t connect it correctly you’ll have a hard time maintaining flow, especially with the CFC. It’s easy to imperfectly connect the circulation arm or CFC which will cause problems using the pump.

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Shiny bright objects under the holiday tree don’t have to be from others to us. WE can buy ourselves the cool bling bling. :slight_smile:

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I got my G30 in 2020 and I love it. Gave my kettle/cooler setup to my son-in-law and got him started on all grain.

I have had some problems, mainly with the mash. The recirculation pump often pulls wort out of the bottom of the unit faster than the wort can filter down through the grain. (This is probably partly because I tend to make high OG brews, like Imperial Stouts, with large grain bills.) You need to partially close the valve on the pump and make sure the wort level doesn’t keep rising.

I have taken to breaking up the grain (not really stirring) to keep the wort moving. One time, however, that resulted in a lot of sediment landing on the bottom of the kettle, making the burner temp rise quickly and causing the heat unit to overload and shut down - repeatedly. Trying to use the reset button on the bottom of a kettle with 4 or 5 gallons of wort in it is not for the faint of heart. And cleaning the burnt grain flour off the bottom was not fun.

In the end, though, I decided the recirculation was not worth the trouble. The variation in temp from the top of the wort to the bottom is, IMO, insignificant. So, I don’t use the recirculation pump and don’t use the top perforated plate (so I can stir the mash more easily).

Other than that, though, the G30 makes for a much more pleasant brew day, particularly with the mobile app. I also have the conical fermenter. The G30 counterflow chiller takes the wort temp down by 100+ degrees F during the transfer to the fermenter (I run water from the tap through a copper coil that’s sitting in an ice water bath then channel the hot water into a bucket to use for cleaning the G30.)

And Julia’s right about the hop spider.

Good luck!

Funny you mention the CFC and it’s low circulation. I thought it might be clogged cause it would barely come out when I did a test run/cleaning of the unit. I have read there is a ball bearing in the valve that helps to act as a filter and that some take it out so that the flow is better. I might try that, but it sure could be that I did not have the connection right. Thanks for the info.