Grains and Color

I’ve made several iterations of an IPA recipe this spring. Below are some photos showing color differences from changes in specialty grains. The second batch has 1 pound less base, and dark Munich instead of Light Munich and Vienna.  Both LM and DM used are Weyermann. In January I made a batch of the base recipe, but used 2 lbs of Vienna and no Munich. I don’t have a photo, but it was lighter still. I’ll be interested to see the flavor difference in these beers. The January batch was a super tasting beer. Here are the recipes and photos.

Batch A:
5.25 Gal
1.068 OG
11 lbs 2-row
1.0 lb Vienna
1.0 lb Light Munich
4.0 oz Crystal 20
4.0 oz Carafa I
1.0 oz Columbus @60
0.75 oz Falconer’s Flight @20
0.75 oz Falconer’s Flight @5
1.0 oz Amarillo dry
1.0 oz Citra dry
Yeast WLP039 Nottingham (Platinum) 1.2 Liter Starter
(This photo was taken 24 hours after yeast was pitched)

Batch B:
5.25 Gal
1.062 OG
10 lbs 2-row
2.0 lbs dark Munich
4.0 oz Crystal 20
4.0 oz Carafa I
Hop schedule same as above.
Yeast WLP090 1.2 Liter Starter. (fermented from 1.062 down to 1.012 in 5 days. Photo taken on day 8.)

I know the beer in the top photo will darken up some after it finishes fermenting. But it will still be lighter than the bottom beer. I find it interesting that the Dark Munich and Light Munich I used looked almost identical in color in grain form. But the beer they make is different, in terms of color (and I assume flavor). I know I’m stating the obvious, but it still surprises me. I need to trust specs not looks.  :wink: