Great advice from Lauren Salazar of New Belgium

While this is mostly sour/funk geared…I think its also a good look at what a wonderful process/training a brewery as large as New Belgium has.

At NHC in Denver a few years back, she gave one of the best seminars I’ve ever seen.

that was a great article. I loved the description of tasting each barrel and feeding or transfering. giving the beer a good example.

We need more articles/interviews like this!  This keeps the brewing way interesting and makes me look for more things to try (although one step at a time).

That’s because she was cute, barefoot and really enthusiastic!

On tasting.  I keep waiting for her presentation to end up on the NHC 2007 website of presentations.

Awesome Q&A!  I liked the comment, “I would rather someone drink New Belgium beer and store someone else’s beer”

That sounds like the coolest brewing job I’ve ever heard of.

Great article!

This is why I love the brewing community. Some of the most enthusiastic people in the world about what they do and they love to share it and spread the joy.

Add to that great info well presented and you’ve got it all covered!

Hmmmm…I’ll bet we never got it from her.  I’ll ask around.