I am a big fan of Great Divide Brewing, and last night tried their Yeti IS for the first time. It looked like used motor oil pouring into my glass. Dark! Great malt flavor at first, a little sweet, but then the hops kick in for an awesome flavor. 75 IBU’s. I’m not a big stout fan, but this one truly blew me away. Has anyone else tried this? What were your thoughts on it?
This beer is my all time favorite American made RIS. Very Rich intense roast malt character. Roast grain, expresso, chocolate, dark fruits, burnt sugar and a hop bitterness to support the malty goodness not to mention the hop character that helps everything along. Thick and chewy. I amost need a spoon to drink it.
This beer is a work of art.
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This is also one of my favorite American RIS just behind The Abyss from Deschutes. I’ve got a Chocolate Oak Aged Yeti ready to drink for tomorrows brew day. A couple weeks ago I tried the Belgian Style Yeti. Same recipe and everything but they used a Belgian strain to ferment. It was quite interesting to say the least. You could definitely taste the spices and fruity esters from the yeast. By far the least desirable of all of the versions of Yeti but was just way too interesting to not try out!
+1 - though I do like Bell’s Expedition as the #1, this is my second fave. Great Divide has a way of bringing out an intensely rich maltiness that is unmatched.
One of their best; they seem to knock out a lot of really great, big brews. The oak aged is worth the extra few bucks in my opinion. I’ve got a bottle of the chocolate Yeti in the fridge to try later. If you’re ever in Denver, go to their brewery next to Coors Field, its a great, informal place with a small tap room, free samples and fun tour.
This is one fantastic brew as is their smoked imperial porter (subtle but very delicious).
I did tour their brewery a couple of weeks ago, and was quite surprised to learn that ALL their beers are fermented at 72-75*. And the Collette farmhouse ale is phenomenal out of the tap…
Glad to hear the smoked BP is good - looking fwd to trying that one.
session brew, but great flavor