Grocery Store Beer

I’m old enough to remember 30 racks of AB INBEV style beers being all you could get at grocery stores. This is a new high for me:

God I love that stuff. One of my very favorite beers. Worth every penny.  :wink:

+1 It doesn’t get much better than that.

Damn. I wish I could get any beer at the grocery store. You’re just spoiled  :stuck_out_tongue:

Wegmans in Central New York. Unbelievable selection.

Does the price say $16.00?

That’s the unit price. It’s $6.50 per bottle. Pretty standard.

Used to be a lot cheaper but Rochefort 10 is $6.99 in Texas right now. Still. mmmm

The Rochefort 6 is the most expensive in my area at $7.25. That’s because of its limited production.

Wow. I don’t pay extra at the places I buy from here.

Your lucky! The 6 is always the most expensive anywhere I’ve ever bought it. Makes sense. Rochefort makes the least 6 compared to the 8 and 10.

The 10 is $6.99 here in Iowa also. Such a GREAT beer. Someone was telling me recently that that stuff is crazy cheap for a case in Belgium or somewhere in Europe. I was jealous as hell.

Yeah i was at a wedding in Rochester this summer and stopped at a Wegmans for some afternoon beers - WOW

Even by the standards of our day (i.e. “Craft” beer everywhere) Wegmans is a cut above. They put all the bottle shops in the area to shame.

Sorry folks. In Belgium available in any supermarket for 2.30 US$. And better than Westy.


Having tried both, I agree. And I might have overpaid for the Westy I was able to find.  :wink:

Is there a good way to tell age of these, or really any import, before buying? Like a born on or use by date? I see the 8, 10, and 12 I think at a local store. I really just don’t want to drop the cash for old, out dated product

The 10 and 12 have a high abv, Frank. That’s a case where the extra age will make the beers softer and better.

EDIT - Since you’re talking about seeing them in the grocery store, I assume you mean Rochefort (and not Westy who makes the 12). Rochefort’s beers are the 6, 8 ,and 10. I wouldn’t hesitate to buy any of them regardless.

Yep, they all age well. And so do I.