Group Grain Buy Northern Virginia area?

Is there a group grain buy in the Northern Virginia area?

nova pretty big. county, town? there are several home brew clubs in nova that you could work with.

I’ve contacted a number of clubs. Either get no reply or their website seems old (perhaps indicating no longer in use?)

In the Gainesville, VA/Fairfax VA area.

Thanks to the club list at the AHA, I do believe I found a local club.

I know that it is a bit of a haul, but Maryland Homebrew in Columbia usually has very good pricing on whole bags (and if you are an AHA member, you get 10% off).  Their pricing is good enough that I stopped getting involved in group buys years ago.

Hunh, just beyond the Post Office off Oakland Mills Rd??  That’s my hometown, I never realized that was there - never went further up the road past the post office.  Of course, I hadn’t started brewing until after I moved to Atlanta.  I’ll have to ask my son (he’s a bartender in Howard County) if he knows any of those folks.

Yes, that is where Maryland Homebrew (MDHB) is located.  MDHB has been in business since late 1992.  I starting purchasing from MDHB in early 1993.    Back then, the company was run out of Don Breton’s basement as a side business.  It did not take long before Don quit his day gig and moved MDHB to small strip of buildings on Dobbin.  That led a larger expansion in one smaller units where the company is currently located which, in turn, led to expansion to their current unit.  Christine Anderson took ownership of MDHB a few years ago.

Absolutely correct in “it’s a bit of a haul” especially with traffic in the DMV area. However, thanks for letting me know about the 10% for AHA members. Wasn’t Mike Train House located near Columbia?

Love their service, and the grain by the sack is well priced.  They stock a lot of the stuff that Country Malt Group sells, but they’ve special ordered other things for me (like Weyermann).