Hahahaha CatsMeow still onlne

You have to be pretty old to remember this

Whoa…those recipes were bad back then!

Slightly hazy and very light colored. This should not lack body.
10 pounds, lager grain
4000 mg, ascorbic acid
1 pound, light dry malt extract
9 ounces, Chinese yellow lump sugar
1 ounce, Talisman hops (leaf)
1 ounce, Hallertauer hops pellets
1 teaspoon, Irish moss
1 ounce, Cascade hops
Red Star ale yeast
Add grain to 3 gallons of 170 degree water giving an initial heat of 155 degrees. Mash at 130-155 degrees for 2 hours. Sparge and add extract and Chinese lump sugar. Boil. In last 20 minutes add Talisman hops. In last 10 minutes add Hallertauer hops and Irish moss. Strain. Add Cascade hops and steep. Strain into fermenter when cool and pitch yeast.
O.G.: 1.043
F.G.: 1.010
Primary: 35 days

HAHAHA!  There used to be one there that was just 10 lb. of C60

I remember. I’m sure it is still there!

i don’t recall that site. but i do remember trawling through sites like this a long time ago.

you have to crawl before you can walk, etc.

lol, i look back on them with pity, but im thankful for how things have turned out. im also thankful to the guys who made homebrewing their life, especially the ones who did it for the fun and didn’t effectively monetize themselves.

Wow!  That’s a blast form the past.

At one point I think I had a printed copy of all those recipes.  I hope I don’t still have it, maybe some basement archeology is in order. :slight_smile:

I don’t recall ever using any recipes from CatsMeow but you never know.
Thinking about it brings back good memories of the folks who got me started in this hobby.



Yeah, a real nostalgia trip.

It prompted me to go to beertools.com, but it looks like my recipes from the 2000’s have been deleted.

Never knew about that site but wow, it looks old.

I suppose it’s a good yardstick to measure how far we’ve come.  Technology-wise and information-wise we’re really moving along nicely and between all the great malts, hops and yeast choices (as well as cool tools and equipment), our hobby is better than ever, IMO.

Beautiful.  Love it.  I can read those recipes all day long.  Reminds me why I got back into the hobby after a 20 year break.  The recipes might be off base but the process was simple and not fantastically overthought.  Keep your double counterflow digi-Rims, 3 kettle, Hydra glycol blaster, uni-boil conical fermonster and shove it.

I think I’ll go dig out my old recipe books from the mid 90’s and take a trip down memory lane.  See if I can’t convert a few to BIAB.  Keep it fun.

Great take. We forget we all started out not knowing what the f*ck we were doing!

I remember them. I had text only internet dial up, $4 a month. This was the recipe I brewed a lot.

7 lbs. Bairds Malt
8 ozs. Cryatal 40 ( Bairds )
EKG ( not sure of the amount )
7 g Coopers yeast
Well water
Sometimes I topped it up with liquid malt extract that was made in my home town of Peterborough, Ont.

I do remember the beer was fine, even though I used no water treatment at all. It was exciting to make your own beer way back then, and still exciting today.

It reminded me of my use of the beer recipator. I was just able to connect to it through the cat’s meow. So long ago.

It was old 25 years go when I first discovered it.  Believe it or not, that used tpm be one of the prime homebrewing sites on the internet.

That is…something.

By comparison The Complete Joy of Homebrewing is highly technical despite it’s casual attitude.

Scoff if you will, but the Sister Star of the Sun IPA recipe is still better than around 90% of the IPAs I have tried, commercial or homebrewed, over the years.

I agree.  That’s a classic and has stood the test of time.

Man, I need to brew that one again.

Looks like I have a new recipe to try.