Happy and sad at the same time

Just wrapping up my brew day (10 gallons of RIS) and I realized two things.

Firstly, I was not happy with my OG thinking it was too low.  Then I realized that I only added DME for a 5 gallon batch, so my mash efficiency has actually increased significantly since the last brew.  Nice.  Glad for that.

Then I realized, I had only added hops for a 5 gallon batch.  Not so nice.

I know this is a tough one to fix and I probably need to re-brew and blend.

I have extra wort in the freezer and could probably boil that with the missing hops and add it the to fermenters.  Not sure if that’s a good idea or not.  I probably have 1 gallon or so.

The lesson for the day is, adjust the recipe in advance for 10 gallons rather than trying to work it out on brew day.

Sorry to hear it Joe. Drives me crazy when I make those seemingly little errors on brew day that actually make huge differences

No doubt.  Everything seemed like it had gone well…

And then the hot water heater crapped out, too.  Cold shower this morning.

Anyway, I’ll just let it ferment out and see how it tastes.

I once made a batch with just bittering hops… Only I forgot to add them (so no hops). Lol

sounds like, hopefully, at least you got a good buzz going during that batch :slight_smile: