Happy Brew Year - Happy New Beer

Instead of a New Years resolution, what new beer will you brew in the new year.

I want to develop a good nut brown ale recipe. Not so unique, but, new to me and I am looking forward to the test batches :wink:

Hoping to finish my Helles quest, or call it quits soon. Began my quest for my house stout. Then I want to imperialize my house APA and Stout.

I will be brewing a Vienna Lager for the first time later this month!

I’ve been thinking of doing a weizenbock. Never tried brewing one before although I have enjoyed a few.

I will be brewing a Flanders Red this week and plan to brew at least 10 new to me styles (mostly lagers) I haven’t brewed before in the coming year.


Brewing my favorite oatmeal stout, with lots of toasted oats and a high mash temp. Probably will do what I did last time and soak cocoa nibs in bourbon, then add the liquor right before bottling along with a cup or so of cold extract of french roast coffee. Heading home in five minutes to get the strike water heating.

I want to work on some lagers in the coming months. I want a nice German Pils and Dunkel that I can repeat with good results. I’m also considering making my first sweet stout and any tips would be helpful.

I am trying to make a good Helles as well, my first one went into bottles the other day. The light lagers are a style I enjoy but have never brewed until recently.

I tried to get to this beer in '14 and '15… 2016 will be the year of the habanero mango APA

My brew year’s resolution is to brew some old favorites that I haven’t gone back to for a while - my house IPA, a sessionable brown ale, my session Porter, and my Belgian Dark Ale.

A run of lagers for me…dunkel, vienna, helles.  Then off to the races with an ESB recipe I have been pondering over in my head for a while. By then, it will probably be time to start prepping some summer beers like saison, kolsch, and blonde ale.

Nice, I’m finishing primary now on a ESB fermented with wyeast West Yorkshire…holly crap, super huge krausen

Yeah, that one always blows out of my 7 gallon carboys!  And it sticks around for a long time too.  I do really like that strain.

For this new year, I will try a lager for the first time: a Vienna, which I hope to get to this week, actually. Since I don’t have a freezer, I will need to use a cold part of our house to actually lager–something that has been in doubt with this El Nino winter, but it seems as though the cold weather is making enough of a comeback here in Western Massachusetts to give it a try. And then it’s an altbier, another new style for me.

I want to try Belgian Beers.  All of them.  I worked up a recipe for a Belgian Blonde that I plan on brewing this week. Then I have plans for a Dubbel, Trippel, and a Quad.

I want to improve my lagers even further and work on a good bitter and oatmeal stout recipe.

I want to nail down a house Pale Ale and IPA. Honestly those two styles I have had the most trouble with. I love my dark beers and English styles. New for this year I have given thought to an Altbier, Kolsch and maybe a Dunklewizen for the summer.

I need to try to make a good Belgian dubbel. Had one for the first time a year ago, but never quite got around to making some last year.

Sunday’s Brew Year Saison.  Part of it went to top off a 15 gallon brett Saison barrel, the rest is humming right along in my conical:


WLP565 yeast is knocking it out.

I’m going to do IPA version 5.  Finally getting ot where I want it.
Imperial Stout with Port soaked Oak. It will be gifts for next Christmas
My last Kolsch was so fantastic, I’m going to brew more of it.  So basic, yet I couldn’t get enough of it.
Always wanted to make a Troegs Mad Elfish beer.  Never had it, but it sounds good.