Happy Tax Day!

Happy Tax Day!

I hope all of you (in the US) have timely filed your taxes or extensions.

Brought some Rye Ale to share with the boss when we get done today!

I thought that was on Friday the 15th.

Friday was a DC holiday ( emmancipation day ) so it got bumped to today.

Mine were done a couple months ago, and the month was spent 2 months before that  :smiley:

The subject of this thread is an oxymoron.

Not if you are one of these 18K filers making over $500k:

18,000 out of 69,000,000 = 0.026%

Can you say, “General Electric?”

Not if you are working in that field and today is the last day of the madness. :wink:

I usually end up paying a bit, but have intentionally structured it that way. Some of my colleagues get as much as 8K back from the IRS every year. They have kids. So it leads me to wonder who actually shoulders the burden.

I figure paying a little every year is better than letting the guvmint use my money interest free all year.  I’ve never understood the “Whoopee,  I got my refund” mentality.  Give me my money over the course of the year and I’ll take care of it myself.  This year I had to pay about $1000 due to a big raise I got in September.

+1 Exactly my philosophy. It was my money to begin with.

Wasn’t trying to get political. I am just happy that the long hours are over! I get to have a life again!  ;D

Relax, Don’t Worry, Have a Homebrew!  :smiley:

Relax, Don’t Worry, Brew some Homebrew! :wink:

My yearly goal is to get enough back form the state to cover what I owe to the Feds.  It has worked pretty well for the last few years.  Ya, the state has some of my money interest free for a few months but the Feds get shorted any extra income and I come out even.  Seems like an even trade.  Next year starts to get ugly though, my oldest stops being deductible and starts college.  8^(


Then though you can take the Hope credit… That’s dollar for dollar of your tax liability. IIRC

My wife works as an independent contractor for various hospitals in the Twin Cities.  She set up a sole proprietorship this year and we apparently grossly underestimated what she was going to owe.  Coupled with the fact that I boneheadedly claimed too many allowances, we ended up owing the most we’ve ever had to pay in.  Here’s to better planning in 2011!!  I’ll be throwing down a few pints tonight, that’s for sure. :cry:

My wife and I also owed a record amount this year.  :cry:

A few pints are definitely in order tonight.

own my own business, haven’t seen a refund in over 20 years. i just pay in every quarter and say thank you :cry: