Hardware for keg fermenter

Hey guys, any one read the brew your own article this month (july/august issue) about the insulated keg fermenter? They give a parts list but don’t give where to buy it, part numbers, or sizes. Any one convert a keg like this? If you know where to buy the hardware for this kit, i’d love to know where. Thanks

I dropped my subscription to BYO magazine so I can’t see exactly what you’re talking about but keg fermenters are very inexpensive to build… its not rocket science.  You don’t “need” anything fancy really.  One of the hardest things to get might be a silicone seal/gasket/large O-ring etc… if you’re converting a 1/2 barrel keg… which you didn’t specify, or are you targeting only BYO reader/subscribers?

I’m converting a 15.5 gal keg. The way they are showing it, you use the existing hole. No cutting is done in the keg.

The conversion kit is from Brewer’s Hardware - http://www.brewershardware.com/American-Sanke-Keg-Fermenter-Kit-with-Thermowell.html - I have two of them and they are awesome. No more splitting batches into carboys. Also, I’ve rigged up a way to transfer from the keg fermenter into kegs using CO2 and some simple parts from Home Depot, so there’s no lifting the heavy keg to siphon. I’ll try and post a pic soon.

Yep, no cutting. Just remove the shank (or whatever it’s called) from your keg. There are videos on YouTube on how to do that  - see http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=npUA8DvngVw. Then it’s just a matter of placing the O rings and using the tri-clamp to seal it. Easy peasy.

Awesome Brew Blogger, thanks

I have a 1/2-barrel keg I converted using a cheap plastic dinner plate and a 7" x 1/4" O-ring I got through Fastenal.  I used my angle grinder to cut a 6-1/2" hole in the top and used the spear, a few nuts and some all-thread to make a hold-down for the lid (plate).  The opening makes it fairly easy to clean and inspect the inside of the keg.  It took a little work, but was a lot less expensive than the kit shown in BYO.

I just use an orange carboy cap.  Easy squeezy.

I just take out the center valve. a # 12 rubber stoper with an airlock seals it well.

THANKS to this thread, I Just made my first 15.5 gallon SS fermenter (Using the term made losely). Now that I have this bad boy open is there any practical way or neat trick to cleaning the little bits of gunk on the bottom (other than bottle brush)?

Carboy brush or fill it with hot PBW, or both.

Drilling a hole into a silicone bung plug and fitting an airlock also works.  I haven’t read the article yet, but the the tool in the picture is made for taking the dip tube off the keg. Using hot water mixed with pbw, and a carboy brush cleans it great.


