I’m about to brew my first kettle sour, and I’ve gone all over the internet and can’t quite find a direct answer to a few questions I have regarding Lacto starters. Yes, I’ve read Milk the Funk and Mad Fermentationist entries.
(1) I typically use the “Brulosophy” harvesting method with Sacc. Make a starter and harvest some off to use for the next starter, pitch the rest. Will this work with Lacto? Make a Lacto starter using DME, corn sugar, and yeast nutrient, and then save a little in a jar in the fridge for next time?
If not, (2) how often should I feed a Lacto culture for longer term storage? I’ve read all about what should go into the starter and what to feed it before pitching, but I can’t seem to find how long Lacto lasts in starter wort in the fridge, i.e. how long I can save it.