I HATE those friggen tire preassure light they put on cars! All they do is freak women out! I swear at least once a month I get a frantic call from Holly, pretty much pulled of the side of the road cause the tire preassue light came on. Seriously, what moron needs a light to tell him the tires are low?Any responsible vehicle owner checks that on the reg. Preassure fluctuates with temperature. Not to mention her Trailblazer has aluminum rims which are know to loose air. I curse GM everyday of my life for those things!!! >:(
probably would - it got cold overnight the other day (well cold in a relative sense - you guys would probably still wear shorts at 50df) and my wife’s light went on that morning, as did several of my coworkers - I drive a '99 so I don’t have that fancy technology.
I believe that became a new ‘standard’ due to one or more accidents that was blamed on tires… I don’t like em either… just another example of over governing…
I think it’s more a fuel efficiency thing that all newer cars have these.
But it’s also, as weaze says, another thing to cause panic in the unsuspecting driver.
I wonder how long it will be before some homebrewer harnesses the technology from a remote pressure sensor transmitter…
I see what you mean Denny, but my point is, they loose a couple pounds, no big thing. The preassure goes up and down with the temp. I hate her freaking out every time the light comes on. I got it under control!
I have a tire pressure light in my Jetta…it lit once and I added some air which reset the light. Just another “bell and whistle” to help sell more cars. I don’t really need, as I do all of the maintenance on my cars. Tire pressure is checked and adjusted somewhat regularly. However some folks like the security of having this feature.
And I see what you mean. Isn’t it possible to buy a car without them? I mean, I know you’re not gonna buy a new car just to alleviate this, but in the future?
If you have a full sized spare tire, buy new non sending unit plain valve stems
for all 4 tires…take the sending unit valve stems out and replace them with the
regular valve stems… break the bead on your spare and then just chuck the sending
unit ones into the interior of the spare tire…pressure it up with all them little devils
inside at the happy required pressure and smile big. If you get a low pressure
alarm, check your spare tire…done. ;D