I pruned some large-ish branches from our hazlenut tree out back. Can I season those and use 'em for smoke? I’d guess it’d be similar to using Pecan, but I’m not sure. Sure smelled good when I was cutting them into chunks, though.
Also how do I season them? Just put them somewhere dry?
This guy says:
"HAZELNUT - Imparts a sweet, hazelnut flavor to your meats, and is particularly good with pork and chicken. "
To season them, yes, you just put them somewhere to dry. I use a table saw to chop off 1-2 inch slices, then a hatchet to chop them into chunks for smoking.
Is this also true for Corylus americana which is different from hazelnut trees (Corylus avellana)? The former grows like a large woody shrub and not a tree.