Heading to Aruba

My wife, Leigh and I will be going to Aruba for a weeks vacation. I’ve tried contacting Balashi brewing company via email multiple times and haven’t gotten any response. I wondered if anyone had any contact information for them.

Also, any tips on where I should visit or libations I must taste?


I’m not sure which of these are available in Aruba, but these are other beers I’ve had on Antigua, Tortola, Puerto Rico, and the Bahamas.  It’s tough finding anything but yellow beers.  Of the yellow beers, Presidente, Kalik, and Carib are decent, but my favorites were Wadadli and Wadadli Gold.  I only had two non-yellow beers while I was in the caribbean, Mackeson’s Stout, and Dragon Stout.  Both were okay.

I haven’t been to Aruba since the late 90s, but back then you could find most any Dutch beers at the super market.

A cold Presidente isn’t bad.  Note that there is also Presidente Light which isn’t nearly as good (IMHO).  Rent a Jeep and explore the “other” side of the island.  There’s a pretty cool little Chapel, a really cool natural bridge, blowholes, little rock piles, etc.  It’s nice to get away from the tourist side.

Aruba is a great place to visit.  All of the local wimmins are beautiful, although they tend to grow in size with age.

Aruba has a TREMENDOUS beer scene for a carribbean island.  Dutch and Belgian beer are availible.

The local beer Balashi, is OK.  Not bad.
Heineken on tap tends to be fresh and delicious.
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout is a real treat, too.
But in the supermarkets and at a few resturants (Madam Jeanette’s, the Belgian Cafe) you will find great Belgian and Dutch beers including La Chouffe, DeKonick, Palm, La Trappe, Nostradamus, etc.

One of my favorite things to do is to go to the supermarket on day 1 and get some nice breads and dutch cheeses and charcuterie items and ales and make that my daily lunch while sitting out on the deck.  Cannot be beat!!!