Hey everybody back again with a another brew. My buddy and I decided to wait on the Belgian Quad and do a Hefeweizen instead. I know the grain bill isn’t traditional of a Bavarian Hefe but this is what we are going with! Let me know what you guys think!
50% Briess Red Wheat Malt 5 lbs
50% Irish Ale Malt 5 lbs (only base malt I have on hand)
1 oz Hallertau hops 2.7% AA @ 60 minutes
WLP300 Hefeweizen Yeast, probably hold at 66F
Plan on a double decoction mash, mash in at 110F Rest to 134F Rest to 152 Rest.
What does everyone think?
I would add a half pound of rice hulls and do a single infusion mash. I’m too lazy of a brewer to conduct decoction mashes.
I enjoy doing decoction mashes and am taking this opportunity to teach my friend how to do it. Thanks for reminding to add rice hulls… totally slipped my mind haha.
Check your pH if you can. The Irish pale is a dark 2row isn’t it?
It is a 2.8L according to the manufacture which I didn’t think was too dark. Isn’t a dark like maris otter at like 3.5L?
I don’t think the Irish ale malt will be a problem as long as you know it’s going to be like using a standard pale malt rather than the normal pils.
Not the same product I was thinking. I thought it was like a Irish version munich. Should be fine what is you SO4/Cl
I agree - skip the decoction. You can substitute .5 lbs of melanoidan malt if you really want, though I think it will be fine with the malt you already have.
Also, 1 oz of 2.7 %AA is low even for a weissbier. I’d boost it to around 1.5 oz or so. Aim for 18-20 ibu range to balance the malt sweetness. Otherwise, everything looks good
Thanks everybody for the feedback. I have been brewing as I post and already did the decoction. As I stated before I enjoy doing the decoction and wanted to teach my friend who is getting into homebrewing. I did up the amount of hops to 1.25oz.
Atta boy perry! I am a decoction guy too. When the style calls for it. It isn’t for everyone, which we all know by now. How did the mash go?
Went good! Over shot my second rest by a few degrees but just stirred and let it cool a bit but went very smooth. We just pitched the yeast and kegged our Rye Brown Porter. Time to kick back and drink!
Hey everybody been awhile since I have had a chance to get on and update my posts but this beer turned out really well! It sat in the primary for a while because honestly I forgot about it… (but after stumbling across it lol) I finally kegged it and just tasted it today. The flavor is subtle but very enjoyable and the aroma is amazing. It has a nice color a little darker than expected but that probably occurred from the decoction. This one is definitely one I will be making a regular in my summer rotation! I’ll post a pic when I get a chance.