The beer and CO2 lines inside my 6 tap keezer are a total mess, organizationally. I’d post a photo if I knew how to, but I’m guessing those of you with keezers have seen this before. I want to organize the lines better, I’m just having a difficult time visualizing how it should look so I was hoping some of you who have solved this issue could share photos of the inside of you setup. Thanks in advance.
I coil up each beverage line, and secure it in a coil with zip-ties to hold it all together. (no photos handy, sorry, but hopefully this gives you an idea of what I’m doing!). It’s not perfect, but it definitely makes a difference.
I mark my tap and gas lines with different colored tape (matched at both ends) so I can readily tell which Tap and QCD goes with a particular line.
While I do not have a keezer, I have on many occasions, organized various gas cylinders using hose. The very first thing that needs to happen is the hoses need to be long enough to organize; short hoses must run as the crow flys and that defeats the purpose. Now, this may not be possible with the beer lines, but it it certainly possible with the CO2 lines. Next, I would use these:
They work quite well. You can also use a couple very small 3/8” screws to assist the double faced tape on the anchor. So, simply route your gas lines around the walls of the keezer to the exact location of the keg. Than make a large enough loop and connect it to the keg. Done. Now all you have to deal with is the beer line and that should be easy using color coded tape as one of the other brewers mentioned.
You have to use something like Tapatalk to post pictures to this forum. You can not do it in the forum.
I have a 3 tap tower on my keezer. Rather than cutting one large hole at the tower base when I installed it, I drilled three 7/8# holes that corresponded to the tap locations. This allows me to see, at a glance, which line goes to each tap. To keep the 12.5 foot liquid lines organized I coil them up and secure with zip ties. I’ve cut three gas lines to just reach the kegs and the 4th long enough to reach outside for charging kegs when cleaning and coil it over the gas manifold.
Thanks for the advice so far. I like the colored tape idea and I hadn’t heard of the zip tie adhesive before. An idea is beginning to form. Now if I can only get motivated to tackle the project…
Here’s mine. Secondary regulator mounted to a board and hung near the top for easy access. And colored gas hoses.
I really like the separate regulators on each line. I’m too cheap right now to do that to all 6 but I love the thought of individual control.