Help to classify beer for competition

I think this may have to go into specialty? slightly boozy, warm, malty quality is balanced by resinous, piney hop character and a dry finish. Special b gives a hint of prune/raisin. This was a split batch with spruce and orange tincture added at bottling to half. It is completely indetectable in comparision to the normal half. I brewed it orginally as a ‘holiday ale’ but not sure it will fit there or not. Any ideas?

47% Red X
47% 2 row
4% crystal
2% special b

bittering - Columbus
flavor/aroma - Centennial/Simcoe

US05 yeast

OG 1.070
FG 1.011
ABV 7.8%
IBUs 52
color 17 SRM

It’s probably not medal worthy but I figured what the hell since I have some around in bottles which is rare.

I vote specialty, sounds arrogant bastardish.

Ok cool. Yeah its kind of like a double american amber or something but the special b gives it a unique feel. I guess it is pretty dark as well. I would say deep copper/brown. The goal was to make it more red so if I do it again I will probably shoot for 15 SRM

make sure it fits the specialty information you provide.  as in, ignore the recipe stats if necessary; don’t say it is 50 IBU if it doesn’t taste like it.

as it is,  “imperial American amber; 8%, 50 IBU” should get it a fair shake.

Thanks. Getting ready to register but it is asking for some keywords. Is that what you are referring to? This is only the 2nd comp I have entered.


yes, the part in quotes is what goes in the specialty information section that any beer in Category 23 is going to need.