Help with style classificaton: witbier or S/H/V ?

Folks - I’m entering three beers in the AHA competition, and want to submit a witbier that I brewed with a bunch of elderflowers (that I harvested myself) at the end of the boil, and then in the secondary.  The flavor and aroma of the flowers is subtle, but it’s there.  So … my question is: do I enter this as a witbier, or does the addition of the elderflowers make it an H/S/V beer?

(My first post - been brewing for just over a year, and can’t figure out why it took me so long to start!  Also, appreciate y’all’s willingness to share expertise and opinions on these forums.)

Tough to say without tasting it. Since you say it’s subtle, I think it might be OK in 16A. There is some leeway in the spice/herb character in witbier. The style says “Other spices may be used for complexity but are much less prominent”.  On the other hand, if entered in SHV the elderflower better be noticeable.

From what I’ve heard, if you can detect pretty easily it should go 21a. But I think I would read over the style guide real well and just make a decision

Can you enter it into both categories?  Just don’t say you put elderflowers in it if you entered it into 16A. or you will get dinged.

My suggestion would be consider entering it as a 16E Belgian Specialty.

Here is a line from the comments section for 21A SHV - Note that many spice-based Belgian specialties may be entered in Category 16E.

Here are some lines from the comments section for 16E - This is a catch-all category for any Belgian-style beer not fitting any other Belgian style category. The category can be used for clones of specific beers (e.g., Orval, La Chouffe); to produce a beer fitting a broader style that doesn’t have its own category; or to create an artisanal or experimental beer of the brewer’s own choosing (e.g., strong Belgian golden ale with spices, something unique). Creativity is the only limit in brewing but the entrants must identify what is special about their entry. This category may be used as an “incubator” for recognized styles for which there is not yet a formal BJCP category.

What you are describing (witbier with elderflowers) sounds unique, experimental, and slightly artisanal. When you list your special ingredients I’d suggest stating just ‘witbier brewed with elderflowers’.