Help with testing a home brewing chatbot / voice agent?


A few weeks ago, I started to work on a “conversational agent” (i.e. both a chatbot and a voice agent, powered by the same logic). I managed to get quite far in just 2 weeks!

Before I try to “publish” the voice agent to a Google Action (and maybe eventually Amazon Alexa), I was able to put the equivalent chabot on a web page for testing purposes:

There’s a list of what it can do currently at the bottom of that page (gravity conversion, gravity adjustment by temp, abv calculation, telling if you’ll need to add DME or dilute, for example).

Would some of you be kind enough to test a few things? I’ll be able to see your conversations (anonymously) in DialogFlow, and hopefully improve the agent before I try to “launch” it for voice.

One thing to note: most tasks can be done in either SG or Brix, and either Liters or Gallons, but you need to keep the same unit for a same “task”. Say you ask about ABV, you need to give both OG and FG using the same unit.

If you have questions, suggestions, or if you see errors, let me know!

Thanks a lot!