I guess nobody wanted to play. I didn’t have much beer yesterday and nothing picture worthy. I don’t get into xmas much, guess I wasn’t feeling much like drinking beer. Usually on occasions where there’s ridiculous amounts of food to eat, I find it a waste to drink beer.
Spent most of the time feeling like crap so I think I had 2 beers the day before Christmas Eve, that was it for the weekend.
Compared the oatmeal stout and cherry oatmeal stout we made (I like the cherry version, weak cherry flavor but it dried it out a bit and gave it a little tart flavor). Then I had a Pilsner, hoping to kick the keg to make room on the taps for the Dortmunder that’s been lagering.
I have been drinking like a fish for four days! Started with some good b
Belgians, followed by homebrew: patersbier (keg killed!), bitter, bourbon barrel dopppelbock, bo pils, Czech dark, and a little Burton ale. Oh, and aquavit and lots of pickled herring.
On Christmas Day, I had two of my porters–a smoked and an English brown–with my wife, a rarity because she is mostly a wine drinker, it was daytime, and, for an hour or so, our kids were preoccupied in the other room with their new toys. A great gift!
I was drinking some second runnings… let’s call it pale ale I guess.
It was a partigyle I did a couple weeks ago. first runnings were a rye wine that’s still working, second runnings I dumped ~150 grams of Calypso, Centennial, and Challenger at flame out and did a 45 minute steep. No other addition. it was very light bodied but loads of flavor and good aroma. not the most outstanding hop combination but interesting with a range of citrus and something that could be the apple/pear thing I’ve seen mentioned with Calypso. Hint of spice/phenol like character from the rye.