Apologies if you already saw this question on Reddit, but I finally had Evil Twin, think it’s awesome, and am wondering which of the recipes kicking around get you closest to the beer as it is currently brewed. I’m pretty sure the recipe I saw on the AHA homepage awhile back is wrong, and I’ve heard it has changed from Jamil’s original recipe, so any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
He doesn’t mind sharing most of the time. Shoot him a email and he might send you a brew log. It will be at pro volumes and will require scaling.
Last I heard he adds all of the hops at knockout and in the whirlpool and still hits a high IBU. Might need to employ a higher temp hop stand to approximate pro processes.
The recipe on the AHA homepage is supposed to be a clone of the Alesmith Evil Dead Red, and not Heretic Evil Twin. I’ve never tasted either, but made this last year, based on this article on the MrMalty website.
I’ve made the “original” recipe posted at Mr.Malty.com twice and loved it. Its going into a comp next week, fingers crossed