I have an american premium lager that ended up with a stronger than I care for diacetyl off-flavor. Anyone ever try masking diacetyl with a late addition dry hopping in the keg? I’ve got amarillo, cascade, chinook, tettnang, or willamette to choose from - any recommendations?
Others will have an opinion, but mine is to pitch a starter at full krausen into the beer to clean up the diacetyl.
+1 I have to agree. If you try to use dry hopping to cover up the diacetyl I would be inclined to believe you would end up with hoppy, butter flavored beer. Just my $0.02
I’m with the other two, it’s the best way to get rid of diacetyl. Warm it up, pitch an actively fermenting stater, and let it sit for a few days.
Thanks for the input all. I’ll give it a try!
again, the right fix.