I just started brewing again after a long time away and I made a few mistakes during the first batch… First I added a 700 gr of Lactose straight after the boil instead of after the fermantation…
Which may affected my FG…
After 10 days of fermenting i took a reading before adding raspberry and vanilla to the batch. My FG was 1.032, should be around 1.010. My OG was 1.057…
I´m fermenting in a fermentation chamber at 19°C / 66.2°F
What I’m wondering can I add another yeast to the batch to get the gravity down? and can i add it though I already put the raspberrys and vanilla in?
You added an awful lot of lactose, more than I would ever use or recommend. Adding more yeast will not do anything helpful at this point. Just give it sufficient time to complete the fermentation. I think it may lose a few more gravity points, but if it’s done then pack it up and try to enjoy.
I agree with Dave - 700 grams (24.6 oz) is a lot of lactose and it’s enough to throw any gravity readings completely out of norms. There’s no telling what the finished product will be like. I suggest toy cap it, or keg it, wait a few weeks and try it. You may like it…or you may feed it to the fish! Either way, it was a great learning experience.
Of course adding unfermentable lactose will raise the gravity. That’s what it’s supposed to do. But since we don’t know the batch size we can’t calculate what the actual final gravity would have been without it. If you have a brewing program like beersmith you can plug in the numbers to get an idea on whether your fermentation is indeed finished.
You’ll want to add more fermenting time after you add the fruit as well.
I was trying to make a Double Smoothie IPA. And the lactose was suppose to put after the fermentation to get that smoothie texture…
I’m using Grainfather and I was aiming to get 23 l batch ended with a 24 L.
I was planing to have the fruit in for 7days and then add 200gr of mosaic to dry hop for 3 days… You think I should give it more fermentation time than that?
This is the recipe:
Pilsner malt, 2.65kg/5lbs 13.5oz (60%)
Wheat, 880g/1lb 15oz (20%)
Flaked oats, 440g/15.5oz (10%)
67C/152F for 75 mins
(60 minute boil)
Mosaic, 27g/1oz, 10 mins
Mosaic, 67g/2.4oz, whirlpool
Mosaic, 200g/7oz, dry hop for 3 days
Fermentis S-04 English Ale
Dextrose, 440g/15.5oz (10%), in the boil
Lactose, after the boil, to raise the OG by 3P (about 12-13 specific gravity points); around 700g/ 1lb 8oz
Fresh raspberries, 1.3kg/2lbs 13.9oz, and 2.5 vanilla pods sliced down the middle, after primary fermentation, before dry hopping
I guess that I just have to wait and see if its any good I’ll check out beersmith
I don’t suggest this as a good idea, but perhaps Kviek or Brett might ferment the residual starches or sugars a bit more…maybe split the batch and see.