So after visiting a Tutankhamen exhibit, and reading about the basic Egyptian beer process of making dough, baking it (enought to toast the outside but leave inside raw to maintain yeast and enzymes), mashing the bread overnight, then adding dates, herbs or spices, I want to give it a go. There’s not a lot on the web at first glance, so here’s my best effort. It’s a no boil recipe based on the exhibit, but I want to tweak just enough to help sanitize / ensure yeast viability.
So, for three gallons
2lbs 2-row
2lbs malted wheat
1lb oats
Dry baking yeast
Combine grains (inc husks), add bakers yeast and suffient water for form loose dough.
Knead into 2 loaves, allow to to rise for 2hrs.
Bake loave @ 400F until crust is dark toast but not burnt.
Remove from oven.
Chop baked loaf and unbacked dough into 1/2" pieces.
Mash breads, chopped dates, saffron, and chamomile for 8hrs @ 145F (thinking no sparge, BIB style)
2lbs dates
1oz chamomile
1.0g saffron
3 camden tablets (my addition for some extra sanitation / yeast control)
WLP001 California Ale
Add camden tablets to primary fermenter.
Drain mash tun to primary
Wait 24 hrs
Pitch brewers yeast, and proceed as normal.
Pitching a SWAG for 50% efficiency and 3 gallons, I put this at ~1.050 OG ballpark. Thoughts anyone? I’ve love any input / suggestions / criticisms / encouragement!
Thanks, Ross