A local pub wants to put my beer on tap. Hooray! Of course, their bar draft system is all sanke fittings and I use cornies at home. I read through some of the threads here about the challenges filling, cleaning, pressurizing a sanke at home but didn’t see anyone reference the EV Container kegs that seem to resolve some / all of those issues.
Who here has used their sixth-barrel option? Pros / cons?
I don’t understand why you need a liner in the keg except for convenience. I imagine this product is more expensive than picking up a regular sanke 1/6 barrel keg.
I think it has to be said that this arrangement could result in a lot of problems for you and the pub, including the pub potentially losing its license to sell.
Saw them in person at NHC last year, and they looked pretty nice. The only issue, IMO, is that they don’t publish pricing, so I assume they’re possibly on the expensive side. That being said, that sounds like a bar that wants to lose its beer/liquor license. I’ve never heard of a state where the laws would permit homebrew to be served out of the same system as commercial beer, nevertheless sold.
Indeed, a retailer cannot legally serve unlicensed, untaxed beer and homebrewers cannot legally receive any compensation (not just monetary) for their beer.
There have been several recent incidents where retailers have been caught serving unlicensed beer from local homebrewers. The result has been much greater scrutiny of the homebrewing community by state alcohol control regulators.
We use EV kegs for one account that didn’t want to convert a tap to cornies. We are hobby brewers, and are fully licensed by the state and feds. The EV kegs work well for us as we don’t have the water systems to wash normal sanke kegs. Initial purchase price is lower than a new corny, but the liners are single use. So that does add some expense. But for us, they are great. (we have a 1bbl system)