Homebrewing Appliance survey

Brewers and not-so-Brewers! This survey will help gauge the need  and desire for a homebrewing appliance.  Please take the time to fill out this survey and please forward this to your friends who have tried homebrewing but gave it up and also, those who are interested in starting in this rewarding hobby.
Thanks and Cheers!

what sort of appliance?

It’s some automated brewing ‘machine’. Passed on the survey.

Crap…I hope I am not a not-so-Brewer. :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like a George Jetson Auto-matic Beer Machine! 
Didn’t we just see an article that described that appliance as a must-have?

I filled it out pretty quick. Basically I don’t want any automation other then temp control, even that is a minor want.

Automatic hop additions would be cool, but I could see myself hitting the max capacities for number of additions or size of additions quick.

Not exactly a ‘short’ survey.  Almost bailed on it.  It also is quite leading in terms of automating the brewing process.  To the OP, in my opinion the logical end result of automating the brewing process is going to the store and buying the beer you want.  Those that want to brew their own usually like the process.  But that is just my opinion.

Whew.  Was a long survey for sure.  Filled it out for you though.

I’ve actually thought about this a lot while trying to find a hobby project.  I think designing, building and trouble shooting a fully automated “Rube Goldberg” type rig would be a blast.  But once I got it done I would probably go back to my current style of brewing.  Where’s the fun in weighing grain/hops, milling and then watching a machine run?


I liken it to baking homemade artisan bread vs using a bread maker machine. Not for me, but might be for some.

Eh to me it would be fine as long as I could customize it to fit each recipes needs etc…

That’s what came to mind for me as well.

Thanks for filling out the survey!
Yes, a bread maker is the first thing that I thought of when it was first proposed. We are feeling out the market right now, not set on a volume size yet.
It’s surprisingly hard to make all the steps simple and clean. Hope to have more info soon.

You know there are a couple of others on the market or soon to be right?

Here’s one of two appliances I’ve heard of: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1708005089/picobrew-zymatic-the-automatic-beer-brewing-applia

And here’s one that is easier yet: http://www.moonshinedrinks.co.uk/

Took longer than some brews I’ve done


Yeah, I quit halfway through. The only machine I want is something to automatically clean up after me. I’ll just wait until my son is old enough for that :slight_smile:

Couldn’t have said it better myself! and that certainly was NOT a short survey, gave up on it…

This  I would pay for. I might even finish a survey about it!

I’d be happy to buy an automatic, electric hot liquor tank with a timer. Fill with water the day before and set it to turn on in the morning so strike water is ready and waiting for me. Even without a timer - get up, flip a switch, go make coffee.

  • 10.  :smiley: