So i’m trying to come up with a honey blonde and here is what I’ve come up with. This is one of my first solo recipes so i am open to any and all help I can get.
5 gallon batch
all grain, 90 minute boil, boil off rate is 1.5 per hour so it’ll be a 7.25 gallon boil.
9 lbs - Pale 2 Row US
2 lbs - Honey Malt
1 lbs - Honey (last 10 mins of boil possibly flameout??)
1/4 - tsp Cinnamon (last 10 mins of boil)
.5 oz - Cascade hops (60 Mins)
.5 oz - Citra hops (10 mins)
1 packet - American Ale II (Wyeast Labs 1272)
Then after 30 days in primary add 2 vanilla beans in secondary for 15 days
Any thoughts or suggestions?
According to Beersmith it’ll only be 2.2% ABV and that seems wrong to me. and brewer’s friend said 7.8% abv so I am lost on that front.
Do you have it set up as all grain or extract in beersmith? It’s a changeable setting, and if left on extract, could give you a prediction like what you are seeing
Other than that does this recipe sound okay? is the 15 days with 2 beans enough time to impart a noticeable vanilla? Is that the best way to add honey? I’ve never done anything like this before.
I think Honey malt is a good call but that is too much in my opinion. I would go with about 12 oz but that is personal preference. Also I would think the cinnamon and vanilla will clash with the citra hops even though you are not using a lot. You may want to consider a hop with a more earthy character.
I have never had luck getting honey to come through in a finished beer but from what I hear its best to use a local honey with as much flavor as possible (avoid cheap clover honey) and adding it to the fermenter once activity has slowed.
Have you ever used honey malt before? You might find that to be WAY too much.
Personally I can’t handle it beyond 5%.
I’m with goschman on the timing of the honey (even so, don’t be shocked if you don’t detect it in your finished product) and switching out the late hops for something a little more complimentary to cinnamon and vanilla.
I agree on the timing of the honey addition. Adding it to the boil will drive off most of the aromatics and flavor. Wait until primary fermentation is done or almost done to add it to have your best shot at keeping the flavor in the beer.
See I read an article that said adding 1 lb of honey in the last 10 minutes or flame out was the best way to impart honey flavor. adding in secondary or late in primary will add sugars and a mild flavor. I’m not trying to get an over powering honey flavor just a mellow taste.