Quick question for Thirsty_Monk. I will be in Southern WI and IL for a few days this upcoming week. Do you distribute that far south? Would love to try your pilsner.
Did they also have negative things to say? I’ve never had German maltsters through my brewery but I’ve met some very opinionated folks and sometimes their perceptions of how my American beer compares to what they are used to in Europe is very interesting.
Anthony now you have a point. I buy grain from them. Would they said anything negative.
On the other hand they were very personable down to earth people. They made their point to stop at different breweries and learn how their product is used. I admire what they do and I appreciate their product. Thomas compare my dark to Černé Krušovice. And I would say that this is a compliment.
Congrats, Leos! Based on tasting your beers in the past, I can’t imagine they weren’t pleased. I’m looking forward to finding Mic here in GR so I can try some again!