Hop and Brew School

I’ve been invited to Hop Union’s Hop and Brew School in Yakima this Sept.  Has anybody been before?  Any reviews/things I should expect?

I’ve been going for the last few years, it’s really a great time.  Not sure if you had a chance to talk to Melody at the hop union booth last week but she organizes it.

Guessing you would be speaking at the 2nd session (if not both), the 1st is pro’s and 2nd is homebrewers and new pro’s with a party on wed night that overlaps.

They feed you all meals the full days you are there, usually pretty good stuff.  Plenty of beer available all the time.

I generally have gone to the 1st session but this year it sold out quickly so I’ll be at the 2nd.

Actually, I’m not speaking.  Brewcraft asked me to go as part of their trip there.

I went last year and had a good time. Had a conflict this year so won’t be going. Most of the speakers were interesting. It was very hot last year especially in the hop yards, but lots of good beer and water to drink. Don’t miss the Wednesday night gathering of both groups. Ran into a lot of old friends and met some new ones at that event. It was fun to tour Hop Union’s facilities as I hadn’t been there in over 10 years. Drank a lot of beer and smoked many a cigar in the hospitality room in those days. The room hasn’t changed except for that smoking isn’t allowed now.

They ran shuttles downtown to a couple hotels in the morning and evening every half hour or so.

I have no doubt you’ll enjoy it.

That’s quite an honor. Congrats!


You have to go!!  It is a great event that is highly sought after for it sells out in a matter of hours every year.  Tickets are hard to come by so if you have been given the opportunity to attend I would not pass it up.  Great food, great people, great beer and great times!  Hope to see you there!


Hey Denny,

Any chance you want to stick around the area for another day and come over to Tri-Cities on Sat the 13th and proctor a BJCP tasting exam?

I’m sure Klickitat Jim would be excited that you are proctoring the exam he is taking :slight_smile:

Seems like all of the usual people I can get out here have something going on.

Normally I’d love to James, but I have a commitment in Eugene on the 12th.

I think I picked a terrible time of year for this exam, but last year I hosted one in Aug and thought that was bad too.

Know of anyone else coming out to this area that could proctor or are even interested in taking the exam?  I’ve had several people drop off so I’ve got open slots.

How far are you from Baker City?  Maybe you could get Ted.

Heh, Ted is coming up already

Dang, that would have been cool.