hop back design

Noticed this today and thought hmm that contraption seems familiar…just wish they’d get a little cheaper.  I like mine and I imagine theirs is nice too  :slight_smile:



Would not you want that your hopback is in-closed instead loose lid?
Just a thought.

yes I would want one of those  :slight_smile: (eh?)

wow an 8:30 AM drunk? ahh the exciting life of a pro-brewer eh? :smiley:

Pssst, think ESL

no worries here (read my posts)

easy on the monk, man - english isn’t his first language  :wink:

Thanks Paul.
It was Double brew day today.

Like I said, no worries.  In all sincerity, would you explain what you meant by your early morning post.  cheers, j


What I wanted to say was that to my opinion it should be sealed inclosed vessel.
Something like Blichmann Hop Rocket.

You can put it inline and make sure that wort will flow thru it.
I can not imagine doing this with loose lid like more beer has.

I do not promote the Blichmann product nor I have one.

Here is the video:

Yeah I was trying to be nice by not pointing out that theirs isn’t sealed whereas mine (less than $20) is sealed.  I run mine inline, directly plugged into my kettle; it then flows through my pump and to the fermenter.  The hop rocket is the reason I built my hopback, I just wanted to say that the prices being charged right now are double what they should be.  I decided to build a hopback for less than $20 just to show that it can be done.  Just to be clear I’m not saying that I dislike blichman (sp?) or morebeer, I just think that the hobby could benefit from more realistic prices.  Cheers, j

No offense intended. I had no idea. From other posts I would not have guessed.  Sorry thirsty

not being sealed is a PITA - I have the morebeer one, and when you get the flow started, its quite a balancing act to get the wort flowing through fast enough to not lose prime on the pump, but not too fast that it starts seeping out the loose lid.  Its not turrible once you get the hang of it, but it ain’t ideal.

I may have to look at the hop rocket, especially since I am switching to boilermaker kettles anyhow.

I opted out of the hopback and add the hops in the whirlpool. I cool to 170F, turn off the cooling water, add hops and gently stir for about a minute, and then continue cooling.

Got the idea from this guy:

do you use a plate or CFC chiller?

Gotta be an IC. If I was using one, I’d definitely be doing some hop stands. I’ve done a couple w/ a borrowed IC. Loved it. May build one in the future.

No problem.
I figured this was not English essay writing forum.

Immersion chiller.

When I say whirlpool… i mean the stage of brewing, not the equipment.

  • Low-tech Lenny