Hop Candy at NHC

Anyone have contact information for the people giving out the hop candy at NHC?

It was Dave Wills at Freshops.  He brought some to Hop Madness years ago, and as much of a hophead as I am, I still can’t get the taste of it out of my head…I thought I was gonna die!

I believe it was Freshops that had it at their booth. Try contacting Dave over at http://www.freshops.com/

Yeah the “Imperial” stuff was awesome!

Thanks.  Yeah, I was really surprised at how truly hoppy the candy is.

He brought some to the Oregon Brewers Fest two or three years ago when I went. It was cooler though because he actually had around 6 varieties and each was a different single hop, not a generic regular/imperial which were still good but it was kind of neat tasting the different varietals. I hope they plan on making more of these in the future though.

Hop Candy?!?!?  :o

So was this some kind of hard candy?  Sounds very interesting.

Interesting but not for me

The sign said it was made by “B-Hoppy” and to stay tuned… who knows.

It tasted good for about 1 minute, then I wanted to get rid of it… that was intense. I love me a lotta hops, but man…

the hop candy was mine.  i usually bring a bunch when i go out to the OBF and hook up with dave to hand it out.  i’m hoping to be up and running sometime in october doing wholesale only.  obviously freshops will carry it, and i’ve spoken to a few big on-line suppliers who are interested so stay tuned and remember to B-Hoppy!

p.s.:  any negative comments are greatly appreciated in an effort to improve on the candy.

Like some of the others have said, the flavor was really intense.  If that was toned down a bit I think it would be easier to eat, maybe even have more than one piece at a sitting.  And you want people eating more than one, right? :slight_smile:

How did I miss that?  Sounds like an “experience”.

I agree.  I first tried it at Hop Madness some years back.  It was interesting, but too intense, even for a hophead like me.  When it showed up at NHC, my reaction was “thanks, but I’ve done that”.

AFAIAC, it’s a once in a lifetime experience!

I haven’t tried it yet. I guess my perception is slightly skewed now  ::slight_smile: but I’ll give it my best… unbiased taste test.
At least I was forewarned.  8)

thanks for the feedback - good AND constructive.  i’ve learned some tricks to dealing with constructive criticism being that i’m so close to West Virginia and happen to live amongst Browns fans.  wild, wonderful West Virginia, don’t knock it 'till you’ve been there.  here’s the deal with the candy.  i started playing around with it about 10 yrs ago and found that there’s a fine line between too much flavor and sickening sweet, slightly hoppy flavor.  after dialing in, what i and a few others considered to be the right mix, it was subject to criticism off and on for the next, maybe 7 or so years out at the OBF and locally amongst homebrewers, craft beer retailers, breweries and such.  the candy i hope to be offering has had a rather large majority of “i’d buy that” votes and now i’ve decided to take the plunge.  i’m working with very limited means (my savings) and hope to test the waters here shortly and know that it’s not for everyone.  what did Captain Kangaroo used to say - you can please some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can’t fool MOM! (or something like that).  if things work out i would seriously like to be able to offer a ‘light’ version or something similar, and a whole other bunch of ideas that have drifted in and out of my head over the years.  if it works, great.  if it doesn’t, well you can’t say i didn’t try.  in the mean time, go have another beer and give me a couple weeks to find some bags to pack this stuff up in.  thanks for the help.

Bob, I applaud your creativity and the willingness to look at feedback constructively.  I’m looking forward to trying your latest recipe!

that’s what homebrewing is all about - isn’t it?  have a beer and we’ll work on it.  thanks
