Hop Hash for bittering?

I searched the forums and couldn’t find anything in hop hash. If I’ve overlooked any old posts, I apologize. I can get hop hash from my brewer for $3.80/2oz @27% AA. Would that be acceptable to bitter with? Have any of you had good experiences using hop hash during the boil or dry hopping?

Never heard of it.  Sounds too good to be true… so it probably is.

It appears to be for bittering, whirlpool, dry hop. So yes.

Thanks for the info.  This is actually kind of cool.  I would be willing to try it.  When I dry my hops I always collected the “dust” and added to my hops before vacuum sealing.  I guess this “dust” is the “hash”.  I learned something today.  Yay.

I first heard of it on the Morebeer site, but I noticed my LHBS carries it from time to time and even though they’re about 5-10% higher on some things I try to support them. Not really saving a ton of money with the hop hash vs. pellets/whole hops even with the acid content considered, BUT I was interested if it’s better for any particular use of hops. I’ll try it and report back!

Just noticed the description on the MB site. They must have added that after I first saw it! It explains the uses. Thanks guys!

I wonder how the shelf life is impacted. I imagine the AA would oxidize much faster considering the oils are exposed

But then what if you smoked it :wink:

Don’t knock it till you try it… 8)

Ya know, every few years we get the “hops are a cousin of (wink wink).  What happens if you smoke hops?”  The answer is you choke and gag.  Cousin is not the same…

Sounds to me like he knows the answer cuz he’s actually tried it!?!  If so, I’m really sorry, man, that must have been a terrible experience that I would not dare try myself.  That said, I have actually eaten a hop before.  It was… very very bitter.  Definitely not good eats.  The young shoots, however, are delicious.  :slight_smile:

Same thing I was thinking.  ;D  I learned a hard enough lesson sampling a tiny amount of Hop Shot once. I repeat, once. A few hours of my life I can’t get back.

I’ve done that as well.  It’s an experience to remember.  Just licking a microgram of that stuff is enough to teach you a lesson.  :slight_smile:

Yeah, it was an amount of Hop Shot literally no bigger than the head of a pin and it was officially on. I think the threshold for unpleasantness is anything above a quantity of zero. :slight_smile:

True in so many ways.

Has anyone tried vaping it?  http://www.browardpalmbeach.com/restaurants/inhaling-vaporized-hops-what-why-and-how-video-6903183  It is said it gives you an idea how they will taste in beer.  That is actually pretty cool if it works.

Yeah sorry I knew it was trite - just had to be said.

Sorry Denny - the laws here aren’t as favorable as in your neck of the woods :wink:

How about kissing cousins? :slight_smile:

The Lagunitas guys were doing it at their NHC booth.  It smelled amazing and was very relaxing.

it seems that this can help me  :o