hop hash

Has any used or is planning to use this?


I’m planning to get some but haven’t ordered yet. Pretty curious about it.

I see an IPA in my future which is pretty rare…

As cool as it looks, I wonder since the hops have been so “broken” up like that, how they can retain their oils and glands in such a situation?

No idea. I just bought 4 oz along with 8 oz of 2015 Equinox which was a great price.

I plan to do an IPA at some point where 2 oz hash will go in at flameout out and dry hop along with whatever hops I decide on.

Think of it as pellet hops without the vegetal matter, just lupulin glands and resins.

I’m waiting for samples of cryo hop powder, supposedly the next step beyond.  When they showed us the process at Hop and Brew School this year, it was so proprietary we couldn’t even take pictures.

Yep. It’s basically the crud that they would normally toss, but now has a market. It’s the chicken wings of beer.

hmmmmm…chicken wings

I have seen ‘magic hop dust’ sold before which is just all the leftover dust in the machine from pelletizing. Is this just a compressed version of that?

I wonder if the wide variety of hop breeds has something to do with it. In he past with fewer varieties they likely didn’t need to clean as frequently. Now they are hopefully cleaning between breeds and have way more of this “hash” as a result.

They always clean between hop varieties.  Usually between lots, even.  There is variation from lot to lot and they need consistency.

That’s good to hear

FWIW, Sweetwater brews a double IPA with hop hash…Worth seeking out if you can find it fresh in your area. Not the best IIPA IMO, but interesting enough to try and find.

Yeah it is. I just ordered some of the hop hash. Curiosity got the best of me. I think I’ll start with some in a 1 gallon test batch, so I can :  A/ see what I think of it first, and  B/  figure out the right amount to scale up if I do.

It still just seems to me that all those glands/oils exposed to air would very quickly be oxidized if not enclosed at least in some sort of pellet or cone. But WTF do I know about hops?

I used some Chinook hop hash in a Rye IPA a couple months ago. Unfortunately I didn’t make any notes on aroma, texture or other observable characteristics, the IPA turned out pretty well, but I’m no sophisticate.

Keep us updated. I won’t get around to using mine for an while and will be curious what your experience is.

Ended up getting 8 oz. I am considering an IPA with 4 oz at the end of the boil and 4 oz dry hop with something like Columbus for bittering. Bad idea?

I don’t know but I plan on finding out soon. Go for it!

I just got my 8 oz. from Yakima Valley hops. Now time for some mad science. Heck, how to add “Hop Hash” as a hop profile in beersmith?