Hop question

Calling all you hop heads. I am making a pale ale tomorrow.

8.5 pounds Rahr 2 Row
3 pounds Crystal 40

I have a crap load of Willamette and Cascade hops.  I originally was going to do
1 oz Horizon 60 min
.5 cascade at 20
1 oz cascade at flameout

Have you guys ever used Willamette and Cascade together. So if I just ditched the horizon all together
I also have on hand
.2 Centennial
.6 Columbus
.3 Simcoe
2 oz Goldings (leaf)

Thoughts anyone

My bad.
2oz Chinook. Not Goldings

First -  Is the 8.5 lbs 2-row all you have on hand ?  3 lbs crystal is insanely high for a pale ale. I like at most 90% 2-row , 10% Crystal for an APA.

Yeah that’s all the grain I have on hand

Thanks for the info. Keep that thought on my mind. Stopped by the LHBS after work and got the grains. Milled them all together. Guess I will just have to see how this one turns out. The joys of home brewing

A) As long as you like Willamette, you should be fine adding it to your Pale Ale recipe

B) I’d mash really low as an insurance policy with that much Crystal malt.

C) How much is a “crap load” of Cascade and Willamette? If it were me, I’d leave the hop schedule as-is, but add an ounce of Willamette to the Cascade at flameout. Then dry hop with an ounce each of Cascade and Willamette.

I have two pounds of each. What would you suggest as a low mash temp. Somewhere around 148?

Yeah, with that much crystal, I’d mash @ 148F for 90 minutes. It’ll help make your wort more fermentable.

Well with much thought I think I will be better picking up 8 more pounds of two row in the morning. I just don’t wanna botch a batch for no reason. Gonna mix the additional grist to the 11.5 pounds I already have. Should balance everything out. Guess I should read up more on my ingredients

Depending on your efficiency you can have a nIce low gravity pale ale with that much malt, but please don’t put 3 lbs of crystal malt in. Try to keep the crystal malt under 10 percent.