Hop Slurry Method

I’ve been reading “For the Love of Hops” and was intrigued by the section on the “Hop Slurry Method” in the Dry Hopping chapter.  After doing a quick Google search I found a post on this subject here: [http://www.homebrewtalk.com/f13/recirculating-dry-hops-more-aroma-oil-extraction-less-time-390156/]

Has anyone tried this at the homebrew scale?  Couldn’t a homebrewer mimic this method by simply agitating their carboy with dry hops every few hours/days?

I was also wondering if anyone has any pics from Stone or New Belgium as I’m trying to visualize what this process/method looks like.  Stan H. mentioned these two breweries employ the hop slurry method.

Any info or thoughts on this is appreciated.  Thanks.

Because I don’t weight the bags I use for whole hops when I dry hop, I always gently agitate the fermenter a couple times a day.

so like do you comment on it’s hair do? maybe smirk when it puts too much sugar in it’s coffee?  ;D


This was discussed in another thread on this board.  There was more oil (good) and more tannins (bad) extracted by recirculation.  The same results could probably be achieved with more dry hops.  It isn’t clear that this research is particularly practical for homebrewers.  I doubt that agitating a carboy a few times a day would mimic a continuous flow of beer through a bed of hops.