Hops Overshooting Trellis Options

A few of my 2nd years hops have already grown 8" to 12" taller than my trellis system (14’) and I am looking for some ideas on what to do.  If I do nothing is their continued upward growth wasting nutrients that could be going into the other bines or cone production?  Is it possible to have them grow downward, if so does it require daily training?

Any ideas or insight would be appreciated.

Another foot or so and the plant will figure it out all by itself - then start to branch out which is what you want. That’s where the hops are. :smiley:

Earlier this year one of mine shot up and went about 2-3’ past the top of the trellis… started hanging over and growing back down… I went  up there and ran another line that it could grow horizontally on so it would be supported… in training it on that one, it broke! snapped right off, so I trimmed it back to about an inch above one of the lateral junctions. It survived and never grew taller but it did send out a ton of lateral side shoots like crazy and I think I ended up with more hops due to that. I ended up doing this will all 5 of my plants once they reached the top and they pretty much all did the same thing.