hopshot & amarillo

Slowly starting a Heady Topper-like beer.

Problem 1: can’t find hopshots in Europe, and I need 120 IBU bittering hops. Will warrior @90 minutes not add a vegetative taste to the beer?

Problem 2: there seems to be a  amarillo shortage in Europe. Is it real/temporary?

Warrior will be fine. You’ll just have more hop material in the kettle at the end.

Amarillo got popular again and we are mid processing. Should be fine in another month or two.


Because the recipe says so?

Heady Topper clone: http://www.homebrewtalk.com/showthread.php?t=390082


I have no experience with hopshot, but if it were me I probably wouldn’t specify 120 IBU of Warrior for bittering.  I think there’s a point where you’re not going to be able to perceive additional bitterness.  75-80ish ibu maybe?  I could be wrong.


Oh Brulosopher?

What’s wrong with that guy? Does he sleep all day? I don’t think his character has been developed sufficiently for an action movie…

Hopshot is sold in 5 ml syringes.  Each syringe provides 50 ibu for 5 gallons of 1.050 wort boiled for 60 minutes.  As the wort gets above 1.080, utilization decreases.

Here is a chart:

So for a mid-1.070ish beer you’re looking right at or just below 100 ibu.  But NB also reports that test batches show perceived bitterness is less aggressive with hopshot.

I think what you’re seeing in that recipe is an even two hopshots being added in their entirety (easier) with ibu calculations from Beersmith or similar.  In reality it’s probably closer to 90 ibu, but again, I don’t think you can perceive the difference between that and ~75.

If I’m brewing that particular recipe as written but didn’t have access to hopshot, I would toss in an ounce of either Warrior or Apollo (assuming 15%+ AA) at the beginning of the boil.

Hope that helps.