How annoying are you?

I scored a 2.39.

3.16. I’m slightly more annoying than average. I find that annoying.

You’ll be surpirsed to hear that I’m slightly less annoying (opinions vary) than the average @ 2.83.  I scored very low on the picky and arrogant scales but higher on the irritating scale (no surprise there).

Same here.

Ditto. Pretty low on picky and arrogant, but higher on the irritating scale. Must be a homebrewer thing.

2.67 - a bit over half way on the irritating scale.  The other two (picky and arrogant) were low.

Apparently, I’m picky and irritable but not that arrogant.  Not surprising as Canadians are quiet, humble people who hold our opinions inside and let them simmer and bubble until they explode in a torrent of rage.  Or maybe that’s just me.

I think I may need help.  3.49 was my score and I’m really not too surprised.

It may just be today though, it hasn’t been a very relaxing one here at the office.


3.22.  I’m not arrogant, but I am a bit picky.  My worst score was in the “irritating” category, which is shocking to me as I am generally quiet and friendly, and I don’t have any terribly annoying habits except perhaps that I always write too much, and I chew on my fingernails.  But is that such a big deal?  Oh well, I’m not going to get bent out of shape over it.  Interesting quiz.

Only 3.42?!

I’m primarily picky and irritating. Big surprise.  ;D

3.16, picky and irritating. Someone alert the press.  ::slight_smile:

I don’t need a test, I’ll just ask my wife.

3.65 here. Who woulda guessed?  :-\


They said I was more arrogant than anything…screw them.

3.51, with pretty much even scores. I would have thought I’d be off the charts on arrogance, but the problem I have with these tests is that I’m so smart I end up gaming the questions.

Oh, this one is going to be fun.  :slight_smile:

3.47, and like a bunch of you I’m mostly picky and irritating, but not arrogant.  Now if you had my wife fill that out for me it would be closer to a 7(on a scale of 5), not very picky but incredibly arrogant and irritating.

Hmmm . . . either I am actually less annoying than I think people think I am, or I unintentionally low balled my scores.  I think I failed an internet quiz!

Less picky than irritating, more arrogant than anything, but even that didn’t reach the halfway point.  2.48

I’m way more annoying than that, right? ;D

sounds about right ;D

, but I would have thougth your pickiness level would have been higher

looks like half of us are irritating and the other half is arrogant, but on average we’re not so bad

I see what you did there.