How do I mash these?

I want to make a cream ale next week and I have everything I need except flaked corn. So instead of ordering just that, I thought I’d use grits. I’ve read about cereal mashes, but there seems to be some dispute about whether it’s necessary. So can I just cook the grits and then add them to the ton?

You do not have to do a cereal mash, but you DO have to cook the grits. The problem is it takes about 1 gallon of water per pound of grits to keep them runny. I remember using 2 lbs in a recipe once and it took 2 gallons of water to keep them from being cement. Some crushed grain (cereal mash) would only require more water to keep them moving.

If you’re using quick grits, do you even need to do a cereal mash?  I’ve added instant polenta right to mash without cooking.

but only the “quick” grits.
Treat these ‘quick’ products similar to flaked, gelatinized, brewing products

So I can add these straight to the mash? I was planning on using 0.5 pounds in a 3 gallon batch some rice hulls to insure against a stuck run-off. When I figure my water/grist ratio, does this affect it any differently than flaked maize?

IME, water requirements won’t be any different than flaked maize.  Of course, you should pre soak the rice hulls to keep them from absorbing too much water.  I really doubt you’ll need them, but they won’t hurt.

Quick Grits? No self respecting southerner would ever have quick grits around…  :wink:

My understanding is QG are ground finer and steamed to shorten the cooking process. Since it takes 5 min to cook the grits I’m doubtful the gelatinization of the starch is complete. Corn gelatinizes at an initial temperature of 62C and gelatinization is complete at 74C (Food Properties Handbook). Since 74C is 165F and is higher than temps one would reach during saccharification temps of the mash, I’d say you need to cook ALL forms of grits to ensure the gelatinization is complete.

Lol, I hear ya! That’s why I’m using them for brewing!

Denny, I always presoak the hulls just in case. The one time I didn’t use them in a mash with adjuncts (flaked rye), I had a magnificently stuck sparge that sent me into a deep, dark depression.

Here’s the grain bill I’ll be using:

4 pounds pilsner
.5 victory
.5 grits

Not sure about hops, but I’ll probably use some cascades or centennials.