How Long Will My Smack Pack Last?

Evening fellow brewers,

Last night, in anticipation of a Sunday with nothing to do, I pulled my Wyeast 3278 Belgian Lambic Blend out of the fridge, and smacked the nutrient pack.  Quicker than I could say “Let’s Brew This!” my Sunday seemed to fill up, and now I’ve got a fully swollen pack of yeast on my counter.  Unless I give up some precious sleep time I don’t foresee anything making it into the carboy tonight.  Will my swollen pack of yeast still be okay tomorrow, or should I just suck it up and brew tonight?

If you have some dry malt extract, you could boil 1/4 cup in 2 pints water for 15 minutes, cool to 65-70* and pitch your smack pack in there.  Instant starter!
I’m not sure about how long it will last in the smack pack, though.

It’ll be fine tomorrow.  Get some sleep  :wink:

Should I stick it back in the fridge, or just leave it be on the counter?

I’d stick it back in the fridge.

Thanks for helping me relax and not worry.  Think I’ll have a homebrew before hitting the sack.