Last night, in anticipation of a Sunday with nothing to do, I pulled my Wyeast 3278 Belgian Lambic Blend out of the fridge, and smacked the nutrient pack. Quicker than I could say “Let’s Brew This!” my Sunday seemed to fill up, and now I’ve got a fully swollen pack of yeast on my counter. Unless I give up some precious sleep time I don’t foresee anything making it into the carboy tonight. Will my swollen pack of yeast still be okay tomorrow, or should I just suck it up and brew tonight?
If you have some dry malt extract, you could boil 1/4 cup in 2 pints water for 15 minutes, cool to 65-70* and pitch your smack pack in there. Instant starter!
I’m not sure about how long it will last in the smack pack, though.