How many packets of dry yeast

I’m doing the Northern Brewer Bourbon barrel porter kit and I have two packets of safale S–04 dry yeast. It’s going to be a relatively high OG at 1065. So I’m wondering if two packets is enough or if I should throw in a third one.

Two packets should be fine as long as you rehydrate the yeast

I am planning on rehydrating the yeast. I want to have a good attenuation rate over 75% is three a safe bet or is two going to do the job

One is a maybe.  Two (rehydrated) is a safe bet.  Three is overkill.

Ok thanks I’ll stick with two!

I always use one for that gravity and have no problems.

2 packets are fine, I wouldn’t rehydrate.  I am with denny, 1 packet has worked for me.  Higher that 1.070 is when I use 2

Personally I would use just one.  But I can see two, maybe.  Three, hell no.

How do we know with no volume numbers, other than assuming 5 gallons?

You, sir, are a true scholar.  How indeed.

Or the date on the yeast packets. I have had an online brew supply send me expired dry yeast…bastads.

Nonsense… dry yeast lasts for friggin 10 years in refrigeration, I swear to St. Bernardus.  That’s one of dry yeast’s hugest advantages over liquid yeast.

Thats why I use it, plus the fact that I’m never exactly sure when I’m brewing to be messing with starters and all that on most brews.

I’m in the process currently of trying to convert 95% of all my recipes to use an equivalent dry yeast.  This year I’ll be splitting almost every batch to learn more about the dry Belgian and Weizen yeasts and comparing against liquid yeasts to see how much it might matter.  If I can get away with dry yeast, I’ll be using only dry for the rest of my life probably.

Not wanting to high jack the thread…but have you checked out Mangrove Jacks line of dry yeasts? They really have a nice line up. I have used 2 yeasts in the past with great success and have a Cream Ale going now with their California Lager. Seems they have tried to put something out there for just about anything you want to brew.

I’ve not tried any of the Mangrove Jack ones yet.  So far sticking with Danstar/Lallemand and Fermentis only.  Eventually I’ll try MJ’s as well.

Two years ago I decided to get back into brewing after a 38 year layoff.  I wanted to recreate what my college roommate and I brewed those many years ago.  Hop flavored extract, corn sugar and dry Vierka Lager yeast.  I actually found some Vierka online from a HBS in St Louis.  No date on it but the back said "product of West Germany.  German reunification was in what, 1991?  Had it been refrigerated all those years?  Unlikely.  It took 32 days at 52-54F to reach FG but it made beer!

I am really interested in what you learn and I’ll pitch in with what I find.  There is so little info on dry yeast and their liquid equivalents other than w-34/70 = WY2124.  I’m going to try MJ M31 Belgian Tripple soon.  I’ll report on it when ready.

Maybe a dry yeast super thread can be started? Or we could do multiple threads based on manufacturer?

After my recent experience, I am very interested in trying more mangrove jack strains. Their lineup and descriptions seems pretty excellent