how much Ca is too much?

So what is considered to much Calcium for yeast?  Also will it precipitate out of solution when added to mash and boil kettle?  This is going to be my water profile for my next batch (ESB). Ca 133, mg 5 , na 16, cl 56 and Sulfide 225  PH 5.46 with 2ml 88% lactic acid

You sometimes see 150 ppm listed as an upper limit.

BTW - It is Sulfate, not sulfide.

BTW can you change “to” to “too” in the title?

Dam spell check does that every time:). Also thanks for the insult on grammar “Jeffy”

There should be little reason to exceed 150 ppm in practice.  Since calcium is paired with a variety of anions, boosting the calcium means that the water would also have high concentrations of some or all anions its associated with.  That could be a formula for minerally beer flavor.

Considering that calcium complexes with phosphates in the mash and precipitates out, it may be undesirable to overdose the mash with calcium.  But considering that I know of brewers that have overdosed with calcium-containing minerals, it does not appear that the precipitation reaction is excessive or detrimental to the resulting beer.  So there isn’t an upper limit for that reason.

At 133 ppm Ca, there is no problem.

I have been fighting with autocorrect also.

I would normally ignore that, but this time it just seemed more annoying than usual for some reason.

To all the ruffled grammar nazis:  “There, their, they’re.”